Monday, March 1, 2010

Optimism is for the petty :/

Let me say for my second post I'm not going to be as happy. Let's also just state that College isn't for people whom have no skills in time management or those who get depressed easily. I'm at a very bad point in my college career. Midterm is Wednesday and I'm definitely not passing all my classes as I'd hoped. Right now I can't get out of bed half of the time because I feel useless and don't see the point in attempting to fix things. Currently I'm pretty sure I've fucked up all classes.... ALL CLASSES....... FML. Seriously I don't know what happened or where the time went. What really fucked me up was the snow. I had no idea what was going on with the classes or how it was affecting my schedule..... I should have just gone to class regardless of the 5 or 6 inches of snow...... I was fine until our first snowday... I was keeping up just fine really I was. Then I suppose I became depressed. Looking back in foresight I should have stayed on my schedule and not let the snow break me. I don't know what to do right now it's really bad. I love how my second post is so cynical compared to the first one... Well I'm going to go and attempt to fix my life... I'll post after it's fixed perhaps.... I hope it does get fixed.......

Friday, October 9, 2009

First post! (lol posting reference)

Let's start with the fact that I love college...
Let's also be known that it's hard shit!... F that... But really it's fun overall... I think the fun overpowers the sheer shittyness of having to do work all the time..
I have met many people while being here.. There is my friend Koren whom I would like to mention somewhere along the first people... In general she's just fucking awesome.... I must mention my friend Squall (Zach, Xakk) Next he's become my closest friend as of yet. Andrew should be the next mentioned. Andrew is my best friend for any kind of advice I love him to pieces. Then there is Emily whom lives with Koren... Emily is really mean and I love it :D! I live with my friend Chris from prosser that I've known for 3 years now. My roomate is another Zack and he's basically my dad.... He always makes sure I'm ok and checks up on me constantly.. Then there is my gaming group which consists of Derek, Calic(Chris), Andrew( Different one), Courtnet, Joshkip(Josh) and Hilt..... Cool gaming group none the less.... I'd type more but I'm to lazy so BYE :D

... Robert ...