Friday, October 9, 2009

First post! (lol posting reference)

Let's start with the fact that I love college...
Let's also be known that it's hard shit!... F that... But really it's fun overall... I think the fun overpowers the sheer shittyness of having to do work all the time..
I have met many people while being here.. There is my friend Koren whom I would like to mention somewhere along the first people... In general she's just fucking awesome.... I must mention my friend Squall (Zach, Xakk) Next he's become my closest friend as of yet. Andrew should be the next mentioned. Andrew is my best friend for any kind of advice I love him to pieces. Then there is Emily whom lives with Koren... Emily is really mean and I love it :D! I live with my friend Chris from prosser that I've known for 3 years now. My roomate is another Zack and he's basically my dad.... He always makes sure I'm ok and checks up on me constantly.. Then there is my gaming group which consists of Derek, Calic(Chris), Andrew( Different one), Courtnet, Joshkip(Josh) and Hilt..... Cool gaming group none the less.... I'd type more but I'm to lazy so BYE :D

... Robert ...